What kind is Estonia?

Estonia is the northernmost of the three Baltic countries. As for the latitude, Estonia belongs to Northern Europe, whereas the longitude places it in Eastern Europe. On the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, Estonia is bordered by the Gulf of Finland in the north, Russia in the east, and Latvia in the south.
Estonia is a little bit bigger than Belgium or Netherlands but have a population nearly 1 400 000 inhabitants (Population density in Estonia is very low - 35 people per square kilometer).

Organization of EPA

The Estonian Pharmacists` Association (EPA) was founded on 4 April 1993, as a voluntary professional association of the managers on retail pharmacies (pharmacists). The objective of the activities of the Association is to unite pharmacists of the Republic of Estonia in order to co-ordinate their activities and to stand up for their rights.
The open and liberal economic system of the Republic of Estonia imposes no restrictions on founding of pharmacies or the circle of owners. In Estonia there are about 483 pharmacies (incl branch pharmacies).

Activities of EPA

EPA in co-operation with Tartu University institute of Pharmacy is organizing an advanced training cycle for pharmacists and assistant of pharmacists`. The training sessions will take place once a month, from October to May.
In order to encourage customers of pharmacies to ask about their medicine, the Estonian Pharmacists` Association joined in October 2000 the Questions to Ask about Your Medicines campaign, which is taking place as a Finnish-Estonian twin program. In October 2000 also a six-month arterial hypertension pilot program was launched in Estonia.
EPA publishes the pharmaceutical journal in Estonia - Eesti Rohuteadlane (The Estonian Pharmacist).